Upcoming Courses


Mental Health First Aid Standard (Virtual)

Date: October 26 & 27, 2023

Time: 8:30 am to 12 pm PST

Location: Virtual (zoom)

Registration information: Please go to the following link : https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mental-health-first-aid-standard-virtual-tickets-652364458657

Mental Health First Aid Standard (Virtual)

Date: November 27 & 28, 2023

Time:  8:30 am to 12 pm PST

Location: Virtual on Zoom

Registration information: please go to the following link :


Ready to create a wellness culture in your workplace? Prevention is a crucial factor in saving lives.

Our clients are looking to increase awareness, decrease absenteeism and reduce costs. They include government, public and private organizations providing services to consumers (B2C).

Call today for a complimentary consultation to adapt, customize or develop a training workshop to meet your company needs.

Portrait/headshots : Carla Abichahine at Kitsilano - Wednesday Jun 10, 2015 in Vancouver, BC, CANADA - 
Photo Stephanie Lamy

Carla Abichahine, Founder of CDA Training & Development

My main goal is to increase the number of people that understand what mental health problems/concerns are so that fewer people are ashamed, guilty and that more people can get help before the concerns become more serious.

Early intervention leads to a better outcome!